I Can't Remember

8th June 2017

Let me just start by making it perfectly clear that I have no intentions of becoming one of those people who will incessantly remind everybody else that they’re sick. I know it may seem like I am, with a majority of my posts having to do with medication, and brain references, and shit (sorry). But I swear to my God and yours that I wish I had more to write about than just my drug-dulled life; in the same way I wish I could talk to people about more than how “I haven’t worked or studied in over twelve months.” Caringly, or not so caringly, the people almost always ask, “Oh, so what are you doing now?” to which I respond with, “Fuck all, Susan.” I’m joking. Not everybody who asks is called Susan. And I’m not doing just fuck all; I’m also developing my skills as an egg breeder. That was also a joke; I’m not that interesting. Or that funny, as it turns out. Somebody help me.

Actually, somebody told me I was interesting the other week. Having spoken to me a little more, somebody probably will not help me because somebody has probably discovered that I’m not as interesting as my mysterious façade would allude to (HA). But seriously, over the past couple of weeks I’ve been put in social situations (shudders) where a variety of people have asked me a variety of questions about me. You’re all probably thinking, “You should have no problem with that, Meg, you talk about you all the time.” Yeah, to a computer screen that doesn’t ask me about my ten-year plan, or the kinds of music I listen to, or what I’ve read lately. “Wait, those all seem like decent, normal questions.” Yeah, they are decent, normal questions (except the ten-year one, that makes me uneasy). The problem is, person whom I assume to be reading, I can’t remember anything.

What you have to understand (brace yourselves for the sick talk), is I’ve been put on a whole lot of mind-altering substances in a very short period of time. And throughout that time, I’ve lost bits of me that equated to a whole person. Or maybe not lost, maybe just dropped. Until about a month ago, I was unable to hold a conversation with someone, and hold onto whatever the fuck we were talking about. I’ve only been driving by myself for the same amount of time. I could only learn my lines for a play three weeks from opening night, because I’ve been unable to read and process information. I’m only now trying really hard to listen to music, and watch movies, and enjoy them as pieces of art (because I’m cultured). Not only do I forget the things that made me, me, but my senses seem to have dulled. I used to experience the extremes, and now my emotions have been dampened just incase they get too out of hand. I haven’t cried in a month, do you know how odd that is for me? It’s very odd. I’m lucky I haven’t gone through ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) though, because apparently that really messes with your sense of self.

So, yeah, I mightn’t be the most riveting, or intellectual person you’ve ever spoken to. And it might take a while for me to answer any of your questions. But if you do talk to me, just imagine me scavenging around on the floor, looking for a broken piece of Meg, picking it up, and giving it to you for keepsake. It’s probably dusty, but you know. I forgot to vacuum. Which is probably a good thing, otherwise you’d never get that piece.

And if you don’t want it, well: fuck you, Susan. (I’m kidding, Susan is very nice.)