12th January 2017

I’m curious to ask you all what resolutions you have in store for the New Year. Or, at least, what resolutions you have for the New Year up until the 16th of February: when the gym membership isn’t as sexy as it was when the ridiculously toned twenty-something year old sold it to you way back on the 16th of January, when you knew you were going to get into a shape deemed acceptable by Who Magazine. Or when you realise being kind to everyone you meet is impossible because some people are just downright dicks.

I shouldn’t be so cynical. After all, a new year is an opportunity to start afresh; a clean slate; a chance to redefine ourselves; and, above all, a reason to raid Typo and buy new stationery. Even if we could have done any, if not all, of those things at any point in the year bygone; there’s something about seeing the date 01/01/2017 on our phone screens that instills a sense of having gone back to square one, and having leveled up at the same time. It’s like when a baby is born, I think. The parents have gone up a level in their life experiences, whilst also gaining something so new, and precious, and full of hope. Also full of poo and vomit, but also hope.

It’s a lovely thing to be excited about twelve more months of living. I doubt many of us can say that in June, or November, or even March. Well, I can, because my birthday is in March (hint, hint). But you know what would be even lovelier still? If we could harness our full hearts of January and ride the banger wave (as my friend, Paige, would say) over the twelve months that we are now so keen to be living for. And thus, I have a proposition. More to the point, my own New Years resolution, which you would all do well to follow because, after all, I am a lifestyle guru.

I should add a disclaimer and say that I, personally, am skeptical about what this year has in store for me, for reasons you can read about here. It’s actually what inspired my stroke of resolution genius, but it wasn’t as warm and fuzzy as the new baby analogy - lest I digress.

The 2017 New Years Resolution is: Fuck It.

Basically, everything is way easier when you say: “fuck it”. This isn’t to say you should stop doing your assignments, or bail from work. No, you keep working towards those life goals, and saving for that first home/car/dog/trip to the Himalayas (I believe in you). What I mean to say is, every time someone tells you that you should be more accomplished, or more attractive, or more whatever you obviously already are: you say a quiet “fuck it”. Even better, try an audible “fuck you”. And every time you feel yourself getting stressed over something that clearly doesn’t benefit you in the slightest - say it with me: “fuck it”. I would give you a specific list of these things but I don’t know who you are, and you’re a capable adult who, I’m sure, can trust your own better judgement. (Just listen to the little Minions.)

If these words of wisdom aren’t enough, I can also recommend yoga, green tea, and vegetables. But no pressure. I also really like burgers and chocolate milkshakes, so, you know. Just do you.

Oh, PS. Another goal of mine is to reach more of you (now I know how to see who reads this blog)! Links to a variety of social media accounts can be found in the "About Meg". Follow and like away!

Reader: “Oooooh.”